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Welcome to Teacher Imaginarium where the possibilities are endless.

Professional Development:

Centers for Advancement in Leadership and Learning (Call Fischler)

Advancing your career or getting a degree has never been easier. Whether you simply need non-credit courses, courses that can be rolled over into one of our degree programs, or a workshop to enhance your skills, Teacher Imaginarium can steer you in the right direction.

Center for Leadership and Academic Services to Schools (CLASS)

The class provides education and training to improve classroom instruction, build learning communities and offer for those in K-12 education. The focus will be on improving overall student performance through services provided to administrators, teachers, and staff.
Services offered:
New Idea Lesson Plan templates
  • Classroom Management
  • Classroom Assessment
  • Administrator As…Series
  • Keeping at-risk students in school
  • Experiential Learning
  • Performance Consulting
  • Home Schooling Certification
  • School Board of Directors
  • Teacher As…Series
Hermann Brain Dominance Inventory
Learning Styles Inventory
Assessing Multiple Intelligences
Teaching to Students with Multiple Intelligences
Differentiated Instruction
Experiential Learning
Building Learning Communities
Distance Learning Leadership Certification
Teacher Leadership
Leading from the Front
Beyond the Classroom
Performance Consulting
Writing Assessment and Improvement
Keeping At-Risk Students in School
Getting Parents and Families Involved
Portfolio Assessment
Student Leadership
Working Smarter, Not Harder
Urban Issues
Directing the Class Play
Graduate School of Human Services
Advocating for the Special Needs Child’s Education
Teacher Universe
National Institute for Educational Options
National Board Teacher Certifica
Graduate Credit
School Needs Assessment
Building Learning Communities
Learning Strategies
Sustained Training
Use of Technology
Evaluation Methods
Progress Monitoring/Data Analysis
Assessment and Analysis
Family Communication
Adult Learning Theory for Staff
PD Liaison Certification Training
Cooperative Planning & Team
Teaching Strategies (Co-teaching)
Asst. Principal Preparation Program
Principal Preparation Program
Math Integrated with Literacy
Experiences, K-8
Evidence-based Research
Delivery Methods/Learning Facilitation
Working with Aides, Volunteers, and Mentors
School Safety/Safe Learning
District-Level Management
Learning Styles, Student Differences
Lay Advisory Councils
Problem Solving Teams

Center for Higher Education Excellence, Resources and Services (CHEERS)

CHEERS will provide education, training, and resources to institutions of higher education (including community colleges and technical institutes), higher education practitioners in administrative positions, and those seeking faculty positions in those institutions. Subject areas will be preparing subject-matter experts for the virtual and live classroom, adding knowledge, skills, and tools to practicing higher education professionals, and supporting professional development goals of higher education institutions.
Services to be offered:
Training for new faculty Teaching online – best practices
Student services
Adult learners
Certification for Higher Education faculty
Evaluation and assessment
GMAT Testing
Barriers to participation for Adult Learners
Using Web CT
Writing an effective syllabus
Building and using rubrics
Classroom management
Great ideas are great ideas
Evaluating academic writing
Professor Products to share
Using webcams
Working with Avatars
Creating Videos
Professional Development for Central Florida
Latino Mid-Level Managers and Leaders: Phase I
Communicating and teaching millennials

Center of Meaningful Personal Enrichment and Learning (COMPEL)

The center provides services to adults with leisure time who are interested in education and training for personal enrichment and learning.
Services to be offered:
To Your Children’s Children—Writing Your Life Story
Learning How to Age Gracefully
So You Always Wanted to be a Writer
Beginner’s Guide to Getting Published
Collaboration with other NSU graduate certificate programs:
  • Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Certificate Program in Peace Studies
Community Leadership Pathways for Seniors
Self-Esteem Classes for Women
Professional Image Development
Stress Management
Parents of Disabled Children
Dealing with Divorce
Sandwich Generation
Training to Schools for Third Agers
Grandparents with school age grandchildren at home
Living Healthy
Managing Anxiety & Depression
Social Networking
Teenage parenting skills

Center for Overcoming Violence through Education and Resolution (COVER)

COVER provides professional development in conflict management and conflict transformation to schools, workplaces, organizations and community service agencies upon request.

COVER is a clearing house of best practices and research on overcoming violence, safety issues, and exportable successful models for dissemination.